Research in Comparative Planetary Evolution
Members of the 3CPE engage in research from trying to understand the origin of life on earth, to exploring the habitable environments on Mars, to mapping icy satellites and asteroids in order to understand their chemical interactions, to trying to determine how planetary system forms and evolve and diverge, to building cutting-edge instrument to find new planets beyond the solar system and to trace the chemical pathways from the stars to our world. This research crosses many traditional disciplines and borders and tries to find and build the connections between them.
Research Areas and Associated Faculty
Planetary Exploration: Blake, Brown, de Kleer, Ehlmann, Fischer, Farley, Grotzinger, Jackson, Ingersoll, Simons, Stolper, Yung
Early Mars: Asimow, Ehlmann, Eiler, Fischer, Farley, Grotzinger, Stolper, Yung
Evolution: Eiler, Fischer, Orphan
Earth History: Asimow, Eiler, Fischer, Farley, Grotzinger, Stolper, Tissot
Origin of Life: Eiler, Fischer, Grotzinger, Yung
Exoplanets: Batygin, Hopkins, Fuller, Howard, Knutson, Mawet, Yung
Early Earth: Eiler, Fischer, Grotzinger, Tissot
Planet Formation: Batygin, Blake, Brown, Hopkins, Tissot
Planetary Processes: Asimow, Batygin, Brown, de Kleer, Eiler, Fuller, Knutson, Simons, Stolper, Zhan
Extreme Environments: Brown, Jackson, Orphan