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2025-2026 Call for Proposals

Proposals were due January 5, 2024 at 5 pm

The next call for proposal is expected in November 2025. For reference, here is the text of the previous call:

The Caltech Center for Comparative Planetary Evolution would like to announce its Call for Proposals for 2024. The Center will provide up to $225k in funding to researchers in areas broadly related to comparative planetary evolution. Individual proposals can request a maximum of $75k.

We seek proposals consistent with our goals, which are to merge the fields of astronomy, geology, and biology to explore the origin and evolution of planetary systems and their biospheres. Addressing these questions requires research and insight that crosses traditional discipline boundaries, and priority will be given to proposals that help to seed innovative partnerships and new collaborations across the Center. Proposals are generally expected to be submitted by Caltech faculty members, but in limited circumstances and with advance discussion, non-faculty members may be allowed to apply. Postdocs, students, and staff are encouraged to discuss this opportunity and ideas for potential proposals with a related faculty member.

Proposals should be no more than 2 pages in length and must include a rough outline of an overhead-free budget. If appropriate, please include a paragraph on how this seed funding can be scaled to a larger-scale and/or longer-term program. Proposals can include funding for (non-faculty) salary support, travel, equipment, or any other allowable expense. In rare cases, the Center is willing to consider requests for additional funding to support previously selected 3CPE programs with a demonstration of significant progress and additional promise. Proposals for additional funding must include an additional page with a summary of the work accomplished to date with past 3CPE funds.

New for this year, we also accept and strongly encourage proposals for funding to hold interdisciplinary workshops related to the themes of the Center. Funds can be used to pay for travel for external speakers and cover local arrangements or other appropriate expenses. Such proposals can be up to 2 pages in length, and should contain a statement about how the workshop connects with multiple groups throughout the Center and include a rough outline of the workshop schedule, a notional list of external speakers who might be invited, and an approximate budget. As this program is new, we will maintain budgetary flexibility, but we anticipate funding up to $20k for individual workshops.

Proposals will be due Friday November 22, 2024 at 5 pm and should be sent to To learn more about the Center and the range of research currently supported and to get more details on this call, please visit Questions should be sent to the 3CPE Director, Mike Brown (